All Photos Photographed by Scott Schrantz

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Farmers Bank Building

Minden Flour Milling

Minden Flour Milling

Minden Wool Warehouse

Minden Inn

Minden Wool Warehouse

Paradise Cafe

Silver Strike Lanes

Richard H. Bryan Building

A Light For Bridget


Carson River

Carson City Panorama

Red's Old 395

The Real Scoop

Carls Jr.

The Station Grille

Port of Subs

The House

Pizza Factory

Rosy's Mexican Restaurant

Carson Valley Country Club

Francisco's Mexican Restaurant

Barone & Reed Food Co

Jimmy G's

Ming's Chinese Restaurant

Taqueria La Salsa

Quizno's Subs

Urban Wildlife


China Jade Horse

Q's Bar-Be-Que

El Charro Avita

Cascade Lake


Flash Flood

Ormsby House Glass


Building #3

Carson Street Snow

V&T #22 - The Inyo

Carson Valley Barn

Lake Tahoe Fireworks

Carson Valley

Carson River

Minden Concert

Capitol Building